Darkknight 757 said, "...To believe that Gods original purpose will be fulfilled seems reasonable if we put our trust in the story of Adam and Eve."
That's the story with the talking snake, right?
i posted this on another thread, and decided it deserves its own...thoughts?.
an unfortunate artifact of evolution is that belief can, and often does trump fact.
survival is at the core of what belief is about.
Darkknight 757 said, "...To believe that Gods original purpose will be fulfilled seems reasonable if we put our trust in the story of Adam and Eve."
That's the story with the talking snake, right?
according to you tubers mike and kim and son of thunder, egyptian branch closing.
son of thunder is saying he has relatives that we're running bethel in egypt for years and they have been let go reassigned as special pioneers yet according to him this job no longer pays a wage.
he also states that 5000 total bethelites world wide are being let go.
okay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
Stephanie61092 explained, "...Growing up, I never really had much of a relationship with Jehovah and didn't really understand how that worked..."
That's because you CANNOT have a "relationship" with a sock-puppet!
i'm not really sure where to post this.. i've been with my boyfriend for 4 months now and i've really never been happier.
i was brought up in the church of christ with an elder father and i really believe in my religion, although i will admit to being a lousy christian at times due to sheer laziness (not wanting to get out of bed on sunday).
my boyfriend essentially lives with me.
You need to read this thread:
i'm not really sure where to post this.. i've been with my boyfriend for 4 months now and i've really never been happier.
i was brought up in the church of christ with an elder father and i really believe in my religion, although i will admit to being a lousy christian at times due to sheer laziness (not wanting to get out of bed on sunday).
my boyfriend essentially lives with me.
First of all... this is not your fault.
You were raised in a religion that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, in its doctrinaire hegemony, proclaims is DEMONIC. But to be fair, you're in good company, because the WTB&TS teaches that ALL other religions are demonic, and they are "the ONLY true religion."
You tell us, "I was brought up in the Church of Christ with an Elder father and I really believe in my religion."
If your boyfriend was living up to HIS proclaimed belief, he would be condemning you for your choice of FALSE RELIGION.
YOUR boyfriend is a freaking hypocrit! He keeps you as his SECRET.
Is this what you feel you WANT? Is this what you feel you DESERVE?
In his mind, he's got it made, boffing his secret girlfriend and fooling his JW friends into thinking he is on the straight-and-narrow.
Oh... wait... maybe I've got that wrong. How presumptuous of me! Maybe for four months he's been living at your place in a TOTALLY CELIBATE relationship. Sure.
You are in GREAT DANGER. If he gets reinstated, you run the risk that he will suddenly become the totalitarian cultist that is now gestating in his reptilian brain.
Four months is a short time. Dump him now and find yourself a boyfriend who has only one face and does not treat you like his secret sex tart.
You CANNOT AFFORD to gamble with your life and your mental health by betting that he is going to get reinstated and then do a fade. If you take this bet and things go wrong, you'll still be able to escape, but at a much greater cost.
Thanks, ForeverFreeNow.
I am familiar with the Star Trek BORG concept, it was the graphic itself I couldn't grok.
OK, I get the BorgEye, but what is that curving thing at the left side and the ladder inside the B?
was not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
was not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
You're right James Mixon. Any vet who has ever needed medical attention feels a debt to the volunteer nurses who helped them. It was short-sighted of me to fail to mention them.
I'm not trying to offend. Maybe I'm having a mild cognitive deficit this morning... it's early... and I'm old.
But I don't get it... what is that?